Was your account debited but the recipient failed to receive the money when you used InstaPay transfer during an InstaPay maintenance or downtime? I’m sure you’re worried about the mishap but here’s what you need to do:
Don’t get mad at your bank or eWallet provider
I’ve seen several comments on the social media accounts of banks and eWallet providers wherein they tend to get the brunt of all the hatred and angst from frustrated customers. Peeps, it’s not their fault. It’s okay to inquire about what’s happening but don’t put the blame on them.
Wait for an update on the maintenance/downtime
Avoid additional InstaPay transfers until the downtime or maintenance has been declared resolved. This is to prevent another failed transaction. If you must, then, use other modes of fund transfer.
Wait for a Refund
If the Instapay transaction resulted in a debit to your account but the recipient fails to receive it, do not panic. There will be a reconciliation and the funds will be posted, either to the sending or receiving bank within 2-3 working days.
Contact your bank or eWallet provider
In the event that the funds haven’t been posted after 3 working days, reach out to your bank or eWallet provider’s support channels about it.
Ensure that you have an Emergency Fund
I’ve seen comments stating that they immediately need a refund back because it’s supposed to be used for bill payments or that they need the cash right away. This is why it’s important to have an Emergency Fund for cases like these.